Before UCSD, I was an
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT, a
NSF Funded Research Associate at MIT, and a
Visiting Research Scientist at the
MIT Center for Theoretical Physics. I completed my PhD in Astronomy &
Astrophysics from the
Harvard University Department of Astronomy and I received my BA in Physics & Astrophysics
UC Berkeley. I am currently working with collaborators at
Harvey Mudd College and elsewhere.
UCSD CASS, I am leading a new
Astroparticle Physics project with
UCSD CASS Faculty, including Professors
Brian Keating and
David Tytler to test for violation of
Lorentz Invariance and
Charge-Parity-Time (CPT) symmetry, which would represent exotic new physics beyond the
Standard-Model of Particle Physics. We are specifically using
astrophysical tests with optical polarization measurements of cosmological sources, including Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), all in the framework of the
Standard-Model Extension. We are collaborating with Astronomer Gary Cole, an expert in robotic polarimetry automation and instrumentation, to observe several AGN using
a small telescope system maintained and operated by Cole.
I am also involved in a collaboration with
MIT Physics Department Faculty, including Professors
David Kaiser and
Alan Guth,
in the
MIT Program in Science, Technology and Society (STS) and
MIT Center for Theoretical Physics (CTP).
Along with
Jason Gallicchio (
Harvey Mudd Physics),
Brian Keating (
Anton Zeilinger (
Vienna IQOQI), and collaborators, we are developing and implementing a series of experiments that test quantum mechanics and entanglement with the help of astronomical observations.
Specifically, we are aiming to close one of the last remaining loopholes in tests of Bell's inequality that could allow a so-called local hidden variable theory to mimic the predictions of quantum mechanics.
here for more on our proposed “Cosmic Bell” experiments including our
experimental proposal paper, a
popular description, and
a paper on our first successful experiment. See
here for a new paper led by Jason Gallicchio's group at (
Harvey Mudd) on
using astronomical sources like stars and quasars as sources of random numbers for foundational quantum experiments. Our work is being funded through the
NSF INSPIRE program, via
NSF Award #1541160 (2015-2018). Previously at MIT, I was a
NSF STS Postdoctoral Fellow, supported by
NSF Award #1056580 (2012-2014).
PhD thesis project with
Professor Robert
Kirshner at the
Harvard University Department of Astronomy and the
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics was on
Infrared Light Curves of
Type Ia Supernovae. Type Ia Supernovae
can be used as standardizable candles for cosmology to measure the
expansion history of the universe and constrain the mysterious dark
energy thought to be causing the acceleration of cosmic expansion. The
supernova aspect of the project used infrared data obtained with the
fully robotic 1.3 meter Peters Automated Infrared Imaging Telescope
PAIRITEL) at the
Fred Lawrence
Whipple Observatory on Mount Hopkins, Arizona (P.I.
Professor Joshua
UC Berkeley). See
here for more on infrared observations of Type Ia and
other types of Supernovae. I am also currently a Co-Investigator on observational programs with the
Hubble Space Telescope (PI R. Kirshner and collaborators) which observe Type Ia Supernovae at cosmological distances in the near-infrared (
RAISIN, Cycle 20, #13046,
RAISIN2, Cycle 23, #14216).
My previous work
Professor Ramesh
Professor Joshua
Bloom focused on testing the potential applications of Gamma-Ray
Bursts (GRBs) for cosmology by studying GRB spectra and
energetics. This work formed the basis of my graduate research exam
project and my Harvard Master's thesis.
My work has been supported in part by a
National Science
Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and a
NASA Graduate Student
Research Program Fellowship, where I collaborated with researchers
at the
Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, including
Dr. Neil Gehrels,
the Principal Investigator of the
Swift Satellite, a space experiment that studies both GRBs and
supernovae. See
here for more on using GRBs for cosmology.
At UC Berkeley, I did my
undergraduate Astronomy thesis on supernova light curves with
Prof. Alex Filippenko.
A reasonably up to date list of my publications is
here or on
See these links for my short
Resume and complete
Some of the projects I've worked on are